Flat grain construction is the most economical method of making a solid wood countertop. This type of counter is well suited as an alternate contertop material for kitchen counters, desk tops, and islands. They are meant to be an everyday working top, but should not be used where you want to directly cut or prepare food on the surface. Most commonly we finish these tops with a very durable waterbourne lacquer that is designed to resist spills and abrasion in normal everyday use.
This type of construction is suitable for use as a direct cutting and food preparation surface that is in the mid price range. The top is resistant to splintering and knife cut marks. If used for direct cutting and food preparation it should be finished with our mineral oil and wax combination. This will require ongoing oiling maintenance to prevent the wood from cracking and splitting.
End grain construction is the best for a cutting and direct food preparation surface. It is the most resilient to knife cuts and does not splinter. Our most common finish for this construction is mineral oil and wax and it does need to be maintained on a regular basis but will last a lifetime with regular care.